Let's face it ! We are a society that craves success. T.V shows such as The Real Housewives Series actively flaunt the principal that hard work brings a fantasy of perks such as money , fame , etc. While this sort of principal is widely acknowledged as being true, it ,as a result carries an immense burden on teens to prosper in this world.
Perfectionism is an unsung issue faced by teens on a day -to day basis . As someone enduring their last year of high school I am with out a doubt feeling the senior year burn out. In a year where you are examined like a hawk , by college admissions personnel, family, peers, employers, love interests and so on , the mounting stress carries a nasty cost. So much so that even the slightest mishap, ignites inner demons, that cast a spell, vocalizing a life, of life long loserness.
For those of you reading , you probably think this is absolutely absurd. But to those out there who are the product of such an anxiety , it is a reality that lingers, despite the continuous efforts to dispel its' properties.
Perfectionists , you know the type. The people in school that hate being wrong, obsess about weight, and freak out about every little thing . The so- called over achiever, that gets on every one's nerve for well, needing to excel at every waking opportunity . I used to have a huge distaste for the Over achiever . I would ponder over why they could not just have a relaxed perspective when it came to school, or sports. . Anyway, to those out there who have not clued in by now, ... I am one of them.
Growing up with an Asian mother I suppose I have had this trait subconsciously for a number of years. In fact, I recall days locking myself in the school bathroom shedding a a string of tears , in full panic mode , wondering why |I could not grasp grade 10 math concepts. Or staying up extra hours into the night mastering my triple pirouette for dance , or creating an immaculate Socials studies project , because I wanted to impress, I NEEDED to . When I look back at it now, perhaps the underlying issue to my perfectionism , was the fact that I had always been at the bottom of the social ladder. In school everyone practically worships the athletes. After a multitude of failed attempts in becoming that soccer star , I finally found that niche that enabled me to receive recognition. A recognition so addictive , I can almost say that next to coffee, the adrenaline of success was and still is my crack.
I had never initially fathomed for this blog to be utilized as a way to spell out my personal issues . However, as the stress peaks ,and the days of feeling sleep deprived go out numbered, I often wonder and hope that someone in the world wide web is going through similar issues as me.