Like most teens, I spent a majority my Saturday strolling through the mall, eyeing all that is there in consumer goods. While at the mall, I could not help but notice the vast array of tanning products and services being displayed left and right. It got me thinking , will natural pasty skin tones ever win in regards to summer? In summer, it seems as though pasty white skin has been deemed as queer and outlandish. What ever happened to cherishing your skin for the way it truly is? Sure , a tan may aid you in looking better in your bikini, or summer dress, but at what cost ?
Last year I came across a compelling article in Teen Vogue about teens obsessed with the perfect tan,using a tanning bed and the natural sun to achieve their results . The obsession became so intense that the tanning bed later became their death bed, due to skin cancer.. Certainly a very daunting ordeal to endure at such a young age.
Furthermore, its not just skin cancer that can arise from tanning. Tanning can also initiate premature aging. Now tell me tan-obsessed teens , How many of you wish to have severe wrinkles by the time your thirty ? hmmm yeah not me ! ....I guess what I want you to get out of my health-inspired rant is to cherish the skin that god gave you ...Its beautiful just the way it is ....Okay, I know I sound just like my mother , but its true ...tanned skin is unhealthy enjoy the summer, slap on that sunscreen, and for those of you still itching for that perfect tan, I advise you to look into spray tanning or self -tanning products.Self tanning products can be found at your local drug store. My personal favorite is the "Self Sun " line by Clinique
* Photo Obtained from
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