Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Junior Scoop on Why Mariah Yeater Should just Quit Talking... Seriously her idiocity is overflowing

It is the story that  plagued  media outlets everywhere, and no we are not referring to  the Penn State scandal, but anyway bare with us ...  17 year old international pop sensation  Justin Bieber fathered a baby .  At least That's according to 20 year old Mariah yeater, who claims that Justin Bieber is the father of her baby.  I know our too good to- be -true  radar went off the roof with this one. Yeater, sat down with The Insider , last week to further explain the allegations.

Is this woman insane? Forget the paternity test , this lady needs to be admitted to  intense psychiatric testing. First of all, anyone who has ever experienced a concert or have watched " Behind The scenes " footage of singers on tour would know that there is an arsenal of people backstage guarding the superstars like gold . Therefore the allegation that Justin and Yeater had a one night stand is absolutely absurd. What's more absurd is the claim that Justin sent his bodyguard to find her after the concert so they could meet. I mean realistically , what are the chances that someone that is worshipped by girls alike would pick you  out of the audience , so that you can meet. Call me rude or insensitive, but I mean come one the kid has Selena Gomez wrapped around his little finger. There is no possible way anyone  with labels and brands backing them would trade , a  famous, successful beautiful girl, such as Selena Gomez, for a  jobless 20 something.
 The issue regarding stat rape is another factor further proving her sheer stupidity. Now,  Let this be an important lesson for any girl  *cough * cough *  Yeater,  wishing to suck the  money out of a celebrity. If you are going to make such a claim towards a child star and you yourself are an adult, you may want to
check the stat rape laws.  Not only will  Yeater face viscous  backlash from the millions of Belibers, but she could be heading the the slammer, in part with the fact that the year of consent in the state of California is 18 . Plus ,  lucky for Bieber, The world has evolved in it's technological advances, in the form of Paternity tests, which determine the true parents of the child  through DNA ......Yep Mariah Yeater is screwed in proving this case .       

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